
ZTE K3571 Modem

Unlocking instructions for Windows Users


Please note that you only have 5 chances to enter the unlocking code correctly.

If you enter the incorrect code more than 5 times, the modem will be locked permanently.




Please follow the instructions below to unlock your K3571-Z USB Modem:

Please note that this executable unlocking tool is only compatible with Windows XP / Vista but NOT Windows 7.  So please DO NOT use this process with Windows 7 PC's.



Before you get started, please make sure you have the following:



·         Your current K3571 modem working correctly in your PC(Windows XP / Vista)


·         The necessary Unlocking code is available (as provided for your specific modem IMEI number)


·          The executable unlocking tool




Step 1: Download the K3571-Z Unlocking Tool software and save it to your Windows PC where you normally use your K3571-Z USB Modem. (Filename: UL_K3571-Z_VDF_AUV1.00.03.exe)




Step 2: Insert an active Non-Vodafone Australia SIM card in your K3571-Z USB Modem in order to unlock the device



Step 3: Run the executable unlocking software tool from your Windows PC.






Step 4: The unlocking software tool will display "Searching…". Insert the K3571-Z modem into the Windows PC and the unlocking tool will detect the modem automatically





Step 5: Enter the unlocking code (that's provided for your specific modem IMEI number) and then click the 'Unlock' button






Once you've entered the correct unlocking code successfully, the K3571-Z USB Modem will be automatically unlocked and unlock software tool will display "Unlock success!"







If you are facing difficulties unlocking your device, please contact Vodafone Technical Support on 1300 301 030 (or +614 1414 1414 from overseas)